Oberla [né Dieter] Line

[1]-[2] = No little brothers; line ends
[3]-[5] = See point [C]
[A] = Robert Beicke also listed as little brother of Leonard Geffert; which is correct is unknown
[B] = Jerry Hoback (see Dost line) left Valpo before the end of pledging; Duane Johansen became Kent Shepler's big brother
[C] = Todd Gibbs' big brother (thought to be Todd Longfellow) left Valpo before the end of pledging; Kent Shepler became Todd Gibbs' big brother
[D] = Dan Gruchalski personally reported having Stephen Cook as a big brother. The original attempt at compiling this tree in the late 80's reported "R. Williams" as Stephen Cook's little brother. (It did not indicate whether that information came from either Cook or Williams personally, nor did it notate whether this was Robert or Richard. Later research showed that one combination of the Williams' with Cook & Forwalter was seemingly impossible, due to one of the big brothers either being on co-op or studying abroad, which is why Robert & Richard are currently assigned where they are.) However, both Dan and Robert pledged Spring 1974, so it is unlikely that both had the same big brother the same semester. It is possible that Robert and Richard should be reversed on the tree, or that Robert had a different big brother altogether.