Function ChopRight(sOrigString, nLength) ChopRight = Left(sOrigString, Len(sOrigString) - nLength) End Function
Function ChopLeft(sOrigString, nLength) ChopLeft = Mid(sOrigString, nLength + 1) End FunctionAnother way of doing the same thing:
Function ChopLeft(sOrigString, nLength) ChopLeft = Right(sOrigString, Len(sOrigString) - nLength) End Function
Function Capitalize(sOrigString) If Asc(Left(sOrigString, 1))>=97 And Asc(Left(sOrigString, 1))<=122 Then Mid(sOrigString, 1, 1) = UCase(Left(sOrigString, 1)) End If Capitalize = sOrigString End FunctionAnother way of doing the same thing:
Function Capitalize(sOrigString) If Left(sOrigString, 1) Like "[a-z]" Then sOrigString = UCase(Left(sOrigString, 1)) & Mid(sOrigString, 2) End If Capitalize = sOrigString End Function
Sub Split(sOrigString, nSplitPoint, sFirstPart, sSecondPart) sFirstPart = Left(sOrigString, nSplitPoint) sSecondPart = Mid(sOrigString, nSplitPoint + 1) 'could also use: Right(sOrigString, Len(sOrigString) - nSplitPoint) End Sub
Function IsBibRecord(CS as Object) As Integer Select Case CS.ItemType Case 0, 1, 17 IsBibRecord = TRUE Case Else IsBibRecord = FALSE End Select End Function
Function GetNextSubfield(CS as Object) nCurRow = CS.CursorRow nCurCol = CS.CursorColumn retval = CS.GetFieldLine(nCurRow, sField) If InStr(nCurCol + 1, sField, Chr(223)) > 1 Then nStart = InStr(nCurCol + 1, sField, Chr(223)) Else nStart = Len(sField) + 1 End If If InStr(nStart + 1, sField, Chr(223)) > 1 Then nEnd = InStr(nStart + 1, sField, Chr(223)) - 1 Else nEnd = Len(sField) If nEnd < 6 Then nEnd = 6 End If GetNextSubfield = Mid(sField, nStart, nEnd - nStart + 1) End Function
bool = TRUE : cc% = 0 : TagNum% = 0 Do Until bool = FALSE cc% = cc% + 1 If cc > 999 Then MsgBox "Error: macro linecounter is out of control. Exiting..." Goto Done End If bool = CS.GetFieldLine( cc%,indata$ ) If Left(indata$, 3) = "246" Then TagNum% = cc% '*** Put code that looks at or alters the record here. 'Use TagNum% to indicate the line number in CS.GetFieldLine/SetFieldLine/DeleteFieldLine commands ElseIf Val(Left(indata$, 3)) > 246 Then Exit Do End If Loop
bool = CS.GetFirstItem Do '*** Put code that looks at or alters each record here *** Loop While CS.GetNextItem <> FALSE bool = CS.CloseRecord(TRUE)
bool = CS.GetFirstSelectedItem Do '*** Put code that looks at or alters each record here *** Loop While CS.GetNextSelectedItem <> FALSE bool = CS.CloseRecord(TRUE)
Do bool = CS.GetFirstItem Do '*** Put code that looks at or alters each record here *** Loop While CS.GetNextItem <> FALSE bool = CS.CloseRecord(TRUE) Loop While CS.GetNext100Records <> FALSE
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