Library Programs
by Joel Hahn

Programs available on this page:

Laser Spine label templates for use with Sirsi's Unicorn/Workflows

Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 runtime library; required by all of the following programs.
MSVBVM50 (zipped)

Barcode Expander
v. 1.20 (updated 12/14/01)
Typing aid for people using 14-digit Codabar barcodes with a 4-digit library code and a final check digit. (Example copy barcode: 3 1234 00123 4561, example patron barcode: 2 1234 00123 4561.) Type the "significant" digits (the "1234561" of the above examples) in this program's input box, and the program can expand the number to its full 14-digit form as well a copy it to the Windows Clipboard, which allows you to then paste it into any Windows program. If you don't know the check digit, the program can calculate it for you.
Program file (zipped)
Program file & Source code (Visual Basic; zipped)
MSVBVM50.DLL is not included in the zip file; it must be downloaded separately if you don't already have it in your C:\Windows\System\ directory.

v. 1.40 (updated 3/10/11)
Automatically generate Cutters (a la the Cutter-Sanborn three-figure table) based on the input provided.
Note: This program will not run without datafiles consisting of the relevant cutter tables. It is currently set to look for these files in the directory C:\cutter\ on your hard drive. There must be one file for each letter of the alphabet (named a.dat, b.dat, etc.), and the data in each file must be arranged in the format "Abbb;111[CR/LF]Accc;112...", where Abbb is some name fragment, 111 is the associated number, and [CR/LF] is a carriage return/line feed combination. (Because the Cutter-Sanborn three-figure table is still covered by copyright, I do not provide those tables here.) If you used my Passport for Windows "AutoCutter" macro, this program can use the same tables.
Program file (zipped)

v.2.14 (updated 07/16/03)
Windows-based standalone program for SIRSI Unicorn users. This program takes the place of the DOS-based program that ships with Unicorn; it uses the same log file and, when your server comes back up, you use the same steps as before to load the transactions recorded by this program. Some input is standardized or checked for problems before recording the transaction, so your error logs from loading the data should be slightly shorter than before. Also, if a logfile already exists, it gives you the option to create a new file, so that you don't accidentally load old data again. See the enclosed ReadMe file for further usage instructions.
Program file (v2.15 - zipped)
Program file (v2.14b - users of dd/mm/yyyy date format) (zipped)
Program file (v2.14c - academic reserves) (BETA, zipped)
MSVBVM50.DLL is not included in the zip file; it must be downloaded separately if you don't already have it in your C:\Windows\System\ directory.

Standalone release history:

If you do not have a program that an uncompress zipped files, I recommend using WinZip or WinRar.

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