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Two Reports on Campus Activities
for 1963-64 and 1964-65.

        There is one stapled enclosure in the "Chapter Histories" file which represents two distinct narratives on chapter history. The first two pages are carbon copy, the second two typewritten originals. The first two pages, headed KAPPA SIGMA-- CHAPTER REPORT ON CAMPUS ACTIVITIES and CHAPTER REPORT CONTINUED deal with the year 1964-5. The second two are on slightly different letterhead, were produced with a different typewriter, and appear to be an incomplete "Campus Affairs" report for 1963-4; both pages bear the heading CAMPUS AFFAIRS report continued. It is not clear why the two reports have been stapled together. Since they do represent separate documents, they are here placed back into chronological order.

CAMPUS AFFAIRS report continued
[for 1963-64, attributable to President Richard Kraemer]

        [...] We have found this to be our most successful year in concerts. Charging admission at our Fall Musicale and American Musicale, we received as sizeable amount of money from ticket receipts. The concerts have been well organized. Every effort has been made to obtain professional standards of performance. In addition to the two formal concerts given on campus, the male chorus and ensembles performed for a sorority engagement on October 19, 1963, the intercollegiate women's A.W.S. convention on November 2, 1963, the local business women on December 9, 1963, a Lenten concert for the North Shore University Guild in Chicago on February 23, 1964, and the Gary Women's Club quarterly meeting on March 9, 1964. Also there was Christmas caroling done in local hospitals.

        The music committee has been doing an adequate job in taking responsibility for coordinating the program for each appearance; this has been due in part by the executive board's insistence that programs be submitted at least one month before each engagement so as to assure the chapter of each individual's responsibility for the oncoming program. I might add that we have received $150 from appearances in concert.

        As in years past, Kappa Sigma Chapter continues its weekly radio show on the campus radio station WVUR. Our radio committee is staffed with four three announcers who have coordinated a program of music this year in historical sequence from the 11th century to the present with appropriate background material for the education of the listening audience. When the show closes this May we shall have presented to the campus everything from sacred and classical music to progressive jazz.

        Kappa Sigma Chapter has continued its policy of ushering for concerts sponsored by the music department, ushering during the year for over 12 events.

        We had to maintain a light rushing program last fall due to a lack of eligible men. The rush program for the spring semester began with a Christmas party held in early December. The rushing period was resumed at the beginning of the spring semester with three events held in early February. The first of these was a short coffee hour after the Philharmonia Hungarica concert on February 3, 1964. The second event was an informative smoker at the house on February 5th. This was followed by a date party on February 8th, after which the balloting for invitation to pledgeship washeld. Of the seventeen invited, fourteen responded positively. These fourteen were initiated into pledgeship on February 11th and were initiated by ritual on March 14, 1964. This pledge class consisted of ten freshmen and four upperclassmen; all fourteen with the exception of one are music majors and/or members of the touring Chapel Choir or Concert Wind Ensemble.

        This, then, gives Kappa Sigma Chapter an active membership of thirty-five members including three faculty members; in addition there are four chapter honoraries including a new honorary this semester, Dr. William Eifrig, Director of Music of the Chapel.

        As president now and treasurer during the first year and a half of this chapter's existence, I[1] have been able to watch the progress of Kappa Sigma Chapter rather closely. The success of our chapter's program this year as in the past has been due largely to the full cooperation of all of the brothers. Over half of the members are majoring in fields other than music; as a consequence, our members continue to extend the influence of the Music Department into many areas of campus life that might not have been reached. Furthermore, our organization is known on campus not only for its versatility, but also for excellence in musicianship and academic acheivement [sic]. Our academic average for the entire fraternity is 2.01 in a 3.00 system, the highest scholastic average of any fraternal organization on campus. Our present pledge class has attained an overall average of 2.16.

        Many chapters of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfornia have endeavored to put out a news publication for local members and for alumni. We have decided not to adopt such a policy on this campus, but instead to remain in personal contact with our alumni through letters from the executive alumni secretary. On campus we have been using the campus newspaper as a sounding board taking every opportunity to editorialize or to submit reviews on musical events containing subtle reminders to the university family of lagging attendance at events when it is low. We have found positive results of this procedure. Furthermore, we are endeavoring to place one of the brothers on the editorial staff of the school newspaper to edit news and publicity from the music department, to insure the correction of names and terms published and to assure descretion [sic] in editorial cuts from reviews. We have two men on the Valparaiso Lyceum Committee. This committee selects and books outside professional talent for presentation to the campus. This year we brought such distinctive groups to campus as the Philharmonia Hungarica and the New York Pro Musica. As we spread our influence to the campus through service to the arts in general and music in particular, we continue to obtain faculty support from many faculty members in all fields of the arts and humanities. We have utilized many media of communication in support and augmentation of the music department's program and have maintained fine relations with the music Department faculty in consequence. With high standards of musicianship as our continual guide and source of unity we have extended the Greek ideals of harmony and excellence to cover our activities in and out of the practice room to the development of Kappa Sigma Chapter. We have reached the point of increasing communication with other chapters of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia in the area and have a projected schedule to do an exchange or joint concert with another chapter next year.

[1] This demonstrates that the report was made by Richard Kraemer.


        The activities of Kappa Sigma chapter continue to take on new facets as the chapter continues to mature in stature. Since its organization in 1961, many aspects of this growth have emerged. This year has contributed a great deal to this continuation of growth.

        To the structure of Kappa Sigma chapter this year have been added new refinements with regard to organization. One of these is the Fine Arts Committee, responsible largely for the arrangements necessary to provide the chapter with an outside extension of its musical experience. The appointment of this committee has extended the entire brotherhood the opportunity to attend performances of the Chicago Symphony, and other similar musical events in the area of Chicago. Much interest has arisen from the chapter, and undoubtedly this committee will become a vital and permanent part of the chapter's committee structure in the future.

        The year 1964 saw Kappa Sigma acquire its first Sinfonia house; this year the possession of the house has gone far in establishing an even greater unity and sense of responsibility among the brothers of the chapter, contributing greatly to progress in all facets of its operation. The house continues to be a meeting place for our weekly meetings, our weekly rehearsals, music department events, recital receptions, chapter social events, and our rushing and pledge programs.

        In order to further this sense of unity and to establish new relations with the university faculty, the chapter held a successful open house for the faculty on Sunday, March 7, 1965.

        This year has been a successful one for the musical activities of the chapter in concert. Through the implementation of the chapter's Music Committee and its chairman, the men of Kappa Sigma performed a successful Fall Musicale on October 30, 1964. On April 30, 1965, the chapter will present its American Musicale, which has been in preparation for some time. In addition to these two formal concerts given on campus, the chapter also has performed for the local business women on December 3, 1964, a Christmas concert for the South Shore University Guild in Chicago on December 6, 1964, and a Musicale for the North Shore University Guild in Willmette, Illinois, on February 14, 1965. The chapter also did Christmas caroling in local hospitals prior to the Christmas recess. Several of the actives performed in the opera Mikado, presented by Valparaiso University Opera, on March 5-6, 1965.

        The Radio Committee continues to present the chapter's weekly radio show on the campus radio station WVUR. Three men compose the committee, which provides a 3-hour weekly program for the campus audience composed of material from almost every era of music from the 11th century to the present.

        The Usher Committee continues to work in conunction [sic] with the music department in providing ushers for all department events. At the end of this year, the brothers shall have ushered for over 25 events.

        Both semesters have been a strong rushing program being implemented by the chapter. Three men, 1 sophomore, 1 junior, and 1 senior composed the fall pledge class. The rush program for spring semester began with a Christmas party held in early December. The final rushing events were held in early February. Among these was an informal smoker, a spaghetti dinner, and a coffee hour after the Ronald Turini concert on January 8, 1965. After the invitations to pledge were extended, ten men responded and were initiated into pledgeship. This pledge class shall be initiated into active membership on April 3, 1965. The spring pledge class is composed of eight freshmen and two sophomores, all but three being members of the Chapel Choir or Concert Wind Ensemble. This brings the active membership of the chapter to 42 members at present, which includes three faculty members; Kappa Sigma also has four chapter honoraries.

        This year the chapter has published its first alumni newsletter. It is hoped that this newsletter will go far in initiating new alumni support for the chapter, which is now becoming more mandatory as the number of alumni continues to rise.

        Chapter contact on the campus has been forwarded this year, as the head of the Publicity Committee has been given a position on the staff of the school newspaper. The move has afforded a closer collaboration between review writers for concerts and the publication itself, along with a noticeable lack of publication mistakes in terms of names of musical terminology. The efficiency of the Publicity Committee can be seen in the fact that plans have already been crystallized for publicizing our American Musicale.

        Campus communication has also been extended by the fact that three of the brothers are members of the Lyceum Committee, which is responsible for bringing to the campus such organizations as the Roger Wagner Chorale and the Prague Chamber Orchestra, both of which were a part of the program this year.

        New complexities of the chapter's operation have forced it to take a new step. On October 22, 1965, the chapter became Kappa Sigma Chapter, Inc., Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity. At that time we received our articles of incorporation from the Secretary of the State of Indiana. This culminated several months of work which was done with the help of our legal counsel, Dean of the School of Law of the University.

        As Kappa Sigma continues to progress, it expands itself into various areas of campus life, all of these being based on the highest standards of musicianship that the chapter can maintain. Along with these various developments has come an increasing amount of communication between the various chapters of the province, which we hope will lead in the future to new exchanges on various levels of chapter activity.