Aardy's RPG Page
Cloister Graveyard in the Snow, Caspar David Friedrich, 1810.
Role-playing games (RPG for short) are much like interactive fiction, and
are more akin to works like Pirandello's 6 Characters In Search of an
Author than normal games or fiction in that each character's actions
are chiefly controlled by a player rather than a single author or a randomizer
(like a spinner or a deck of cards), except that the players do have a
director--the Game Master--to set the scenes in which they gad about. As
such, RPGs are much like playing Cops and Robbers (or Cowboys and Indians)
in the milieu of, for example, Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, with
the players taking the parts of the "cops": Samwise, Frodo, Pippin, and the
rest; the Game Master taking the parts of the "robbers": Sauron, Gollum,
Shelob, and so forth; and the final outcome hinging on what the players
do rather than fate decided by an author.
Hereunder are several files I have written/compiled/found that I think
may be of interest to people who play role-playing games, especially those
who play Dungeons & Dragons (D&D).
Rec.games.frp.dnd FAQ
The rec.games.frp.dnd FAQ (Web version)
-- If you have a question about (A)D&D and/or (A)D&D and the net,
this is usually the place to look first!
I am no longer updating this FAQ; I'm leaving it up for historical purposes
and in case anyone still finds useful information in it.
Other FAQs
Literary Sources of D&D (Updated rarely, when I have time)
TSR & WotC Font FAQ (Updated rarely, when I have time)
AD&D, 1st/2nd ed.
Great Net Book of Net Books for AD&D
(Unabridged, but no longer being updated)
Angelic Orders (Fantasy Christian "priesthoods"
for AD&D, 2nd ed.)
Handling multiple NPCs' actions with one die
roll in AD&D
Treatise on Mages & Armor in AD&D, 2nd
D&D, 3rd. ed.
Player's Screen/Cheat Sheet (zipped Word97
Handling multiple NPCs' actions with one die roll
in 3rd ed. D&D
Spellcaster's Corner: (all of these tables reflect D&D v3.5 rules)
CG3 CharGen-related programs:
CG3_ASCII v.0.7 beta (zipfile) (Formerly
titled "cg3ripper"), a program that reads in data from CG3 files
generated by the CharGen program distributed with the 3rd ed. Player's
Handbook, and generates either a rudimentary text-only character sheet for
easy printing or a rudimentary text-only stat block for easy inclusion
when writing an adventure. (NOTE: Only works with characters in the
main "Character" directory set up by the CharGen program.
Requires the VB5 runtime file MSVBVM50.DLL in the \Windows\System
CG3_ASCII sourcecode, for those looking to
create similar programs. Only contains the data processing module, but
that's where all the important parts are.
CG3 Tweak v0.83 beta (zipfile), a program that
allows you to take an existing CG3 file and quickly change gp/sp/cp, equip
magic items, equip magic weapons, and change which spells are on scrolls.
I haven't written a ReadMe yet, so you're on your own for now. I will
say this, though: It only works on characters in the main "Character"
folder created by the CharGen program. To equip magic weapons, first buy a
"normal" version in the CharGen program and equip it. Then use CG3 Tweak
to change the "normal" weapon to a +1 to +5 weapon. The CharGen program
will then let you change which hand the magic weapon is in, etc. You can
also buy both a normal and magic weapon (say, a dagger and a dagger +2),
equip the normal weapon, and use CG3 Tweak to switch the weapons, but I
don't have all the bugs worked out of those routines yet (it'll work if
the weapons switched are identical except for the magic plus, but you have
to manually uncheck the "equipped" box for the nonmagical version after
making the switch). (NOTE: Requires the VB5 file MSVBVM50.DLL in the
\Windows\System directory.)
CG3 Tweak source code, for those looking to
create similar programs. This file only contains the source for the
"edit" window, but that's where all of the juicy bits are.
D&D, 4th ed.
I have not played any 4th edition D&D, and thus have no 4th edition-specific
content on this page
Miscellaneous (Not AD&D/D&D or not edition-specific)
Probabilities and Statistics of (A)D&D CharGen Methods
Probabilities and Statistics of Alternity situation dice
101 Spells Not Worth Memorizing (plus 374 additions)
101 Inns You Should Probably Stay Away From
101 Things You Won't See in 3rd. ed. D&D
101 Things You Don't Want to Hear Your DM Say
Ratings of D&D, AD&D, and Judges Guild
Aardevarque Comments (Reviews):
Errata reports:
Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Advanced Dungeons &
Dragons, and AD&D are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast.
The inclusion of these marks here is not intended to dispute or lay claim
to ownership of these marks.
Award received by the rec.games.frp.dnd FAQ (circa May 2001):

Effie Rover's RPG Library Gold Wyrm Award
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